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09. A Prescription For Living.

Updated: Sep 11, 2022

’God is dead’ exclaimed German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche as far back as 1882.

Today as I write in 2020, God has often become little more than an exclamation of irritation, or a personal lifestyle choice like one’s brand of soap or political party. Either that or it is a source of interpersonal conflict among total strangers.

I have previously likened the differences between the various religions as constituting diverse ‘ingredients’ that work together to make a delicious recipe. Many cultures use food, applied according to the correct methods and necessary amounts, as a prescription for illness.

By practising the teachings of the prophets within the various communities in which they arose, inherent social weaknesses were overcome and the establishment of new and powerful civilisations enabled. These are examples of religion acting as a 'prescription for living'.

This is the true function of religion; to offer an ideal pattern or 'prescription' to correct the illnesses and shortcomings of diverse human lives and communities. The various 'ingredients' and spiritual values promoted by each were designed specifically to heal the unique and differing problems of the age in which they appeared. The needs of one age are not the same as a future age may require; hence the apparent diversity between them which often became a source of animosity and division.

Some Teachings promoted by Baha'u'llah which will work to heal and guide the peoples of our present age are as follows;

Despite our limited knowledge of the past, we are assured that God has never left His creation without divine guidance. The names and details of these ancient religions and their founders have frequently become lost to us and of those which remain, the diversity of their teachings and prophets have all too often become highly contentious. Today many can only be summarized in a most superficial way.

Hinduism, (approximately 500 BC) prescribed eternal principles such as honesty, refraining from injuring living beings, patience, forbearance, self-restraint, and compassion, among others. The wisdom of the sacred cow, often scorned by ignorant westerners, has actually ensured the preservation of its countless adherents over millennia, ensuring a sustainable source of needs as diverse as ‘vegetarian’ drinks and food, transport, and building materials, with dung being used in many creative ways including as an energy source and a ‘plaster’ for walls and floor.

The teachings of Buddha (2500 years ago) include not to harm others and to live peacefully and gently, working towards the ultimate goal of pure and lasting happiness for all living beings.

Judaism was founded in the Middle East over 3500 years ago, and teaches that the unspoken divinity appointed Jews as a chosen people in order to set an example of holiness and ethical behaviour to the world. It teaches that divinity is one, unique and eternal, with prayer being directed to that divinity.

The words of the Torah given by Moses, greatest of the Hebrew prophets, are accepted as Truth. This divinity knows the thoughts and deeds of men, and will reward the good and punish the wicked. (However even these very basic and general principles are disputed by the liberal movements of Judaism).

Christianity (2,000 years ago) teaches that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. His teachings can be summarised briefly as the love of God and love of one's neighbour. Today there are countless denominations of Christianity, each with unique beliefs and practices.

Islam is another Abrahamic monotheistic religion, teaching that there is only one God (Allah) and that Muhammad is his Messenger. The teachings of Muhammad united the warring tribes of Arabia and succeeded in establishing a great civilisation, extending at its peak from Spain in the west to Indonesia in the east, and going on to exert a powerful influence on many branches of science.

Bahá'ís recognise the Báb as the forerunner of Bahá'ullah. His teachings so powerfully touched the hearts and minds of people during the short duration of His life that the authorities became alarmed by His influence and resolved to bring it to an end. He was publicly executed by firing squad in 1844, creating such a widespread uproar that Heads of State and authorities from throughout the Middle East and Europe reacted at many levels. His writings introduced the concept of a Messianic figure whose coming was announced in the scriptures of all of the world's great religions.

The Baha'i Faith, established by Baha'u'llah Who was the one foretold by the Bab, upholds the oneness of God, the unity of religion, and the oneness of humankind. It promotes the agreement of science and religion, the equality of the sexes and the elimination of all prejudice and racism.

In this extremely basic exploration of the world religions a pattern emerges. We can see humanity over the ages as pupils in one vast graded school.

The earliest of the religions offered a syllabus for grade 1 children, teaching the very basics of elementary school, including ideas around sharing, safe foods, and basic hygiene. Subsequent religions built upon and reinforced what was learned in earlier grades.

They taught principles upon which advanced societies could become developed.

The most recent of these religions, the Bahá'í Faith, teaches principles at ‘college’ and ‘university’ level, whose application can result in a harmonious global world community.

This is where we stand today. We, the collective descendants of that single African woman, and working together with our newly discovered global family, are collectively charged with the peaceful unification of our home, the Planet.

"The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established" - Baha'u'llah

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