’God is dead’ exclaimed German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche as far back as 1882.
Today God has often become little more than an exclamation of irritation, or a personal lifestyle choice like one’s brand of soap or political party, identifying 'us' from 'them'.
Either that or it is a source of interpersonal conflict among total strangers. So many wars have been fought in the name of this God, so many of our own ancestor's lives were lost supposedly defending a God of 'love' and 'peace', making it easy to understand the growing appeal of atheism and its ilk.
The diverse teachings of the various religions promoted values and practices that were specifically relevant to the needs of the various communities in which they arose. Through them, inherent social weaknesses were overcome and new and powerful civilizations became progressively established.
True religion offers an ideal pattern or 'prescription' for human lives and communities, designed specifically to heal the unique and differing problems of the ages in which they appeared. However, over time the authentic teachings of these religions and prophets have all too often become lost, distorted or highly contentious.
"There are undoubtedly many prophetic figures of whom all authentic record has been lost." – Letter, dated 27 October 1986, sent on behalf of Universal House of Justice to an individual.
In His brief yet significant Tablet to Amir Khan, Abdu’l-Baha added the category of Indigenous messengers of God to those already identified in the writings of Baha’u’llah.
It is our task as descendants of ancient peoples to take up their task in this present day.
"The people of the world are the tools in His hand. They must strive to understand His message and to walk in the path of His divine guidance. Every human being is responsible in this day to seek the truth for himself and thereafter to live according to that wise counsel. The old ones have all longed for this sweet message. Praise God that you have found it." --- Universal House of Justice.
